Support ForumCategory: Accordion WpAccordion plugin stopped working
Chelsie Reynolds asked 8 years ago

I am using the accordion wp on one of my client’s sites, and the shortcode I had been using for a list of FAQs is no longer working, and is not displaying the accordion at all.
This is the shortcode I have previously been using to show all 8 FAQ questions [accordion-themepoints]
Why does this no longer work, and what do I need to do to fix the issue?
The FAQs should be at the bottom of this page:

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 8 years ago

We recently update our accordion wp free version 1.8  & update lot’s of features like shortcode , visual editor etc that’s why previous shortcode not longer available.  now you need to create your accordion again & paste this shortcode any where you want to show this . 
if you want to keep back your previous accordion content just delete the latest version of accordion wp and install  accordion wp version 1.2
if you don’t understand please don’t hesitate to contact with us.

Thanks & Regard’s
Themepoints Support Team