I have a main accordion, 3 sub accordions and am having three sub accordions in each sub accordion.
The third level accordions will not stay open. I click them, they open and they immediately close back up.
Any Ideas?
They never got back to me. I ended up getting one that maybe works from another vendor. I didnt get done with my tests with it yet though. but its at https://www.pickplugins.com/item/accordions-html-css3-responsive-accordion-grid-for-wordpress/
Whoever made this plugin is still taking peoples money eve though they dont support their plugin. lame.
Accordion Pro version 3rd or Multilevel accordion feature now available. feel free to check out the latest version demo below link.
Latest Version Features :
* Added 3rd Level or unlimited level Accordion Features.
* Added Icon change options
* Added Icon color change options
* Added Auto Open Accordion Features.
* Added Accordion CloseAble Features.
* Added Accordion Close Other Items Features.
* Added Icon alignment (left/Right) options
* Font Awesome Icon Added.
* Change any font awesome icon.
Note: Please contact us via our website contact form with your purchase details. we send you the latest version of accordion pro or more idea to improve our plugin don’t hesitate to share with us.
Best Regards
Hi @Jesse Francis,
we always try to answer our support question as soon as possible. we do not highlight the 3level menu features in our plugin description & our demo page. you can choose any vendor product we have no problem but why you posted the same question again & again.
it’s really funny we taking peoples money but not giving any support for your plugin.
Accordion Pro version 3rd or Multilevel accordion feature now available. feel free to check out the latest version demo below link.
Latest Version Features :
* Added 3rd Level or unlimited level Accordion Features.
* Added Icon change options
* Added Icon color change options
* Added Auto Open Accordion Features.
* Added Accordion CloseAble Features.
* Added Accordion Close Other Items Features.
* Added Icon alignment (left/Right) options
* Font Awesome Icon Added.
* Change any font awesome icon.
Note: Please contact us via our website contact form with your purchase details. we send you the latest version of accordion pro or more idea to improve our plugin don’t hesitate to share with us.
Best Regards
Not doinig it. Thank you . Whoever needs to do this – please use a combination of Collapse-o-matic and Accordion and see what works the best. Either doesn\’t fit the bill – but together – it seems to work really well.
I have adjusted this So I just have 3 main accordions with three ‘accordion items’ in each.
And still they are closing immediately after opening. But while building them, they did not alwasy do so.