Support ForumCategory: Accordion WpAccordion Pro – Themes not showing, Overriding WP theme fonts, etc.
Lisa De Luney asked 7 years ago

Hello – I just purchased and installed the WP Accordions Pro and:

  • There are no themes, just “Default” in the settings field for Theme.
  • The font for content tagged as <p> is being overridden by this plugin (just want the WP theme to drive the font like it does for the <li> content).
  • Also I am putting a zero in the auto-open field, and the first item is still auto-opening, but I want all of the accordions to start out closed.

Lisa De Luney

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for contact with us. yes, the latest version only defaults theme are available because of now you can create your own style of changing the color, pick fonts, alignments icons etc. we are not hard coded any tags if it conflict we fix this issues as soon as possible.
if you want to closed all accordions please type auto-open field (false) not zero. we hope it solve your issues.
