Support ForumCategory: Super Testimonial FreeBefore I buy ? I need to know
Philippe asked 6 years ago

Nice plug in!
Unfortunately unlike most people I am not a fan of sliders but I do like your theme3 style and want to use is displayed like theme2 on a straight page layout and not as a slider.
If I purchase this does the pro version allow me that option and if not can make this option happen for me.

13 Answers
Philippe answered 6 years ago

That doesn’t work. The new generated shortcode has nothing to do with the old and then yoy still have the issue that under testimonials where all the created testimonials are displayed it does show what has already been created by the free version.
Pro versions are suppose to continue on and keep the FV’s data/pages etc do ignore them.
I tried what you said and basically it would mean I lose everything already created as the new generated shortcode displays nothing unless I create a new testimonial.
Still doesn’t change the fact that the pro V doesn’t have categories.

Philippe answered 6 years ago

No it displays an error when activating the other.

admin Staff replied 6 years ago

We already answered you at the same time pro & free version not working perfectly.


Philippe answered 6 years ago

Listen! please
The free V has categories
The Pro uses Groups
YOU NEED to leave the categories part of the free version alone and include it as part of the pro or make the pro version only install the missing parts the FV doesn’t have.
But basically you have created your own problem by making the 2 versions completely different which is this tyoe of environment where everyone trys out free V’s for weeks or to if their members like it or what ever you can make a pro version destroy everything the FV created.
I have seen that in a plugin.
This needs to be fixed and fixed quick please as I am not happy with having to lose what is already there.

admin Staff replied 6 years ago

Please don’t teach us how to develop a plugin. we know that very well. we are not creating any problem to build two different version. are you know about WordPress namespace issues?? it does not destroy anything when you delete the free version.
Please answer me

Philippe answered 6 years ago

I have sent you an email with attachment with request.
I have decided to copy all my testimonials and change to pro version and re-copy everything into it.
Please rean my email for the rest.

admin Staff replied 6 years ago

Already replied to your email.

Philippe answered 6 years ago

How does the slider work
I created a new Group allowing the slider which is displayed on my home page but it is displaying one after the other.
Which means on my other page it was defaut setting.
So where is the option to use the slider in the create group page please.?