I try to tap the category name …. the true name, the slug ,….I tryed evrything but nothing helps
it shows al the category’s but not the individual one’s
Welcome to our forum. can you please explain which plugin your are talking about.
Hi, I experienced this as well. What I had to do was go to Categories section under S Testimonials, hover over the Edit option for a category and at the bottom of your screen you’ll see the url – look for the bit in that says ktspcategory&tag_ID= The number that appears immediately after the = is the number you need to put in your shortcode as category eg:
Thanks for your information . we just check this shortcode it’s works fine here. you can use any category ID to display testimonial. just type this shortcode into your post or page maybe when you copy & paste the double quotation symbol is changed. see the attached picture
Themepoints Support Team
Thank you so much, that worked, but wow, what an inconvenient way to find the cat ID!!!