Support ForumEmpty White Box
Toni asked 8 years ago

I\’m running Theme Showcase on localhost (WAMPP/WP 4.8.1/Theme Satisfy). I set up my team of 4. Set up \”team options\”, which generated the following shortcode in \”all shortcodes\” [tmfshortcode id=\”4020\”] I then pasted the shortcode onto a page \”founders\” linked to menu item \”founders\” When I click on menu item \”founders\” all I get is an empty white box. What am I doing wrong?    

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 8 years ago

Thanks for contact with us  but it difficult to understand what you are talking about. if you share your website URL with us it better for us to assist you. can you please share your team option page screenshot with us. you must select at last one team categories to display team member into page.
