Support ForumCategory: QuestionsHow to install Team Showcase Pro without losing previous work done in free edition
aaron asked 7 years ago

I just purchased Team Showcase Pro and received two files to download. There were no instructions explaining how to install the Pro version over the free version. It seems like there should just be an upgrade option with a license. I have put in a substantial amount of work using the free edition – created 80+ new pages with 500+ short codes – and need to upgrade to the pro version with one, or both, of these files, without losing a single thing but have absolutely no clue how.
Time is of the essence. Please help

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for contact with us. you can find the documentation inside ( ) fonder.  you just need to deactivate your free version then upload & active the team pro version. go to WordPress Dashboard -> plugins delete or deactivate.  don’t worry about your data it safe. if need any information don’t hesitate to contact with us.
Note : Don’t delete your data just deactivate or delete free version . when active pro version all data will back automatically.


nickip replied 7 years ago

Hi there, I just followed the instructions above as I had the same problem and nothing is now showing up under our team showcase. What have I done wrong? I have deactivated the free version and uploaded the All files zip folder. The pro version is showing as active under plugins but none of our team members are being displayed.

admin Staff replied 7 years ago

If you installed team showcase successfully just go to your generate shortcode or all shortcode section & update your option page. we hope it works fine. if you need more information please send us a email via our website contact form .
