Support ForumCategory: Accordion WpHow to move Accordions to Accordions Pro without retyping and resetting options
Steve asked 8 years ago

How to I transfer the accordions created in the free version to the new version?
Is there a simple way other than doing it all manually?

Secondly, once I have everything under Accordion’s pro, can I simply deactivate the free version ?
I’m assuming the setting are completely separate so it’s possible to remove the free plugin without any issues to the site?

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 8 years ago

Welcome to our forum . First of all you need to transfer all accordions data manually because we found a issues in previous version . now version 1.5 we fix this issues and modify some core functions . we are working on it to add import export option in accordion. we hope we add this features as soon as we can.

Secondly when you transfer all data into pro version you can deactivate or delete the free version of accordion without any issues to the site.

Themepoints Support Team