Support ForumCategory: QuestionsIssues with the Team Showcase Pro plugin showing images
Damien Milner asked 2 years ago

I initially installed the free plugin version and configured it to see if it would work for us. It did so I decided to purchase the Pro version so it would display all of the members I added instead of just the first 10. I was hoping that purchasing the Pro version and installing it would just update my current plugin version to Pro and keep the look and feel exactly the same for all of the members. However after I upgraded to Pro, all of my member images are displaying blurry because the plugin is using a thumbnail size image (100px x 100px) instead of the regular-sized image. I have tried the image height setting in the settings but that does not work. The images continue to display blurry because the plugin is using a thumbnail size image. If I switch back to using the free version of the plugin, these exact same images display properly at the full size images. Anyone else having this issue?

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 2 years ago

We already informed we didn’t use any thumbnail size (100×100) images. We use the default image and we check using your team member’s image & everything working fine. Maybe the image size conflicts with other CSS. If you didn’t give us a chance to check the issue it is really difficult for us to solve the issue.

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