The Logos I am trying to display are each in a separate showcase, Logo 1 through Logo 6. I displayed the shortcode for each logo in a text widget that looks like this:
[logo_showcase id=”275″]
[logo_showcase id=”284″]
[logo_showcase id=”287″]
[logo_showcase id=”288″]
[logo_showcase id=”289″]
[logo_showcase id=”290″]
When I view the widget on my web page, it looks like this:
Is there a way that I can make these logos take up 75% of the widget, instead of being so small you cannot see them?
Thanks, Jim
Thanks again for contact with us . this is not the right way to display logo separately you must need to create a logo showcase group and show this into page or text widget Ex : if you want to display 6 logo in one group you must create a group and upload six logo then paste this shortcode in widget or page.
if it possible to send us your WordPress login info. it better for us to fix this problem quickly. for quick support please contact with us via our website contact form.
Themepoints Support Team