Support ForumCategory: logo showcase proLogo Showcase Pro has gaps in page display, also doesn't order all items
Curtis asked 8 years ago

I’ve installed Logo Showcase Pro, and added 31 logos to display as a grid. For some reason I am getting a gap after 24 logos, before they start again. I’ve tried various setting but can’t eliminate it.
Also I deleted one of the logos and reinstalled it, but now it doesn’t reorder when I sort by ascending order? 
the link is:

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 8 years ago

Welcome to our forum. you just need to resize all images into same size. you uploaded all images into 1000×1000 but  one image (skoda) you can’t resize. just resize (skoda) image into 1000x1000px . if you need more information please don’t hesitate to ask again.

Themepoints Support Team