Support ForumCategory: Super Testimonial ProSuper Testimonial Pro
Lindsay Christianson asked 7 years ago

I have entered all the testimonials and created the shortcode, but when I paste the shortcode into a widget it doesn’t show up. What could I be doing wrong?

3 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for contact with us. we check your issues. you need to insert your shortcode into a text widget also you must select at last one testimonial categories to display testimonials. if you don’t select any categories it not showing any testimonials.


Lindsay answered 7 years ago

per your response, I already have the shortcode in a text box and have the category selected and the testimonials checked for the category I want them to pull for. Still… not showing up…

Lindsay answered 7 years ago

per your response, I already have the shortcode in a text box and have the category selected and the testimonials checked for the category I want them to pull for. Still… not showing up…