I have team showcase both to present amployees but also as a way to list the libraries in our county.
Yesterday I had to make a correction and add another library, but everything was gone in the setup. Also there where no shortcodes anymore.
All entrys are gone, but still have the three group/ catagory names.
How and why did everything disappear?
Also, how come there is no mention of Team showcase plugin among your products?
We are really sorry about this problem. few days ago we update our plugin( Team Showcase) version 1.1 . we update lot of things like admin interface , themes, shortcode and many more. also our developer deleted some function in previous version. that is the main issues but we already backup old verison of team showcase into WordPress Repository . just delete the latest version (1.1) and install version (1.0) . we hope your get back all your data .
We are working on it fix this issues and release a new version of this plugin. if you need more information or if you don’t understand how to do this just drop us a message we will help you to get back your all data.
Download & Install : https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/team-showcase.1.0.zip
Themepoints Support Team
This has just happened to me now – 11 October 2017. How to fix? Every Team Member is gone!
Can you please explain which version of team showcase you installed. it better for us to assist you.
I restored version 1.0 from the link you gave to the previous person who had the problem (above).
I’ve the same problem. Updated the plugin from vetsion 1.2..b to 1.3. Now all team nembers are gone.
I had a licensed version of the plugin but this is also gone. Do I need to purchase now again?
We check our team plugin lot of time but not facing any issues. maybe something wrong in your site. can you please share the plugin link which one you installed. it better for us to check it again.