Support ForumCategory: Accordion Wpthe Accordion WP plugin adds <br> tags to the html code when there are radio buttons.
Rick Cheney asked 7 years ago

There are three accordions at the link below.  For each accordion, click the Inquiry Form  notice the radio buttons.  In the top and bottom accordions, the radio buttons on the Inquiry Form are inline horizontally. The middle accordion is Accordion WP, notice the radio buttons on the Inquiry Form are not inline horizontally, they are stacked up vertically.  That is because the Accordion WP code is adding <br> tags which add lines breaks.  Why?  Can you fix this or tell me how to edit the plugin code to prevent this?  Is this added via JavaScript?

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for your valuable  comments.

The BEST Accordion plugin of them all!!!
