Thanks for contact with us. we just check our plugin on the latest version of WordPress & it works perfectly. can you please clear the issues it better for us to assist you.
Best Regards
Hi, I am using WordPress 5.2.2. I originally tried all options of your shortcode… – only showed 1 testimonial – showed nothing on the page – showed nothing on the page The image below is what one of the testimonials looks like in edit mode:
This is what the page looks like when using the code:
This is how I had to enter the code to get it to work properly after updating the plug-in.
Perhaps I misunderstood the directions, but I thought I only had to put one line of code in…
Either way – it’s working now.
Thanks for your reply with the details. you insert category name (
please flow the attached screenshot for more details:
How to find the category ID:
We hope it solves your issue.
Best Regards