Support ForumCategory: QuestionsUpgraded to Pro team plugin – all styling/theme disappeared?
lou asked 5 years ago

I tried the free version and I liked it. I wanted to have more columns so I purchased the Pro Version. When I place the shortcode, nothing displays. I’m using the lates version of WordPress. Does the Pro version not work with this version of WP?

1 Answers
Themepoints Staff answered 5 years ago

Thanks for contact with us. our Pro version perfectly works on the latest version of WordPress. can you please publish you’re all team members under a category and check it again also you provide us your development site URL with us it better for us to check and assist you.

Best RegardsĀ 

lou replied 5 years ago

Everything looks right. Like I said, the free version worked beautifully. I wanted more columns so I upgraded. Created my members, created a a category and the shortcode. Dropped it in and no display. I can provide screenshots if that helps.