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  3. Team Showcase
  4. Manage Shortcode
  5. Shortcode


You can easily display the Team Showcase anywhere on your website using the shortcode.

How to Use the Shortcode?

  • Copy the shortcode below:
[tmfshortcode id="xxx"]
  • Paste it into:
    • Any post or page
    • Widgets (Text, Custom HTML, or Shortcode Widget)
    • Elementor or WPBakery shortcode elements

Example Usage:

  • In a WordPress post or page (Classic Editor or Block Editor)
  • Inside a Text Widget in the sidebar or footer
  • Within a custom page builder module that supports shortcodes

Using PHP Code in Theme Files

If you want to display the Team Showcase directly in your WordPress theme files, use the following PHP code:

<?php echo do_shortcode("[tmfshortcode id='xxx']"); ?>

Final Notes

  • Make sure to replace "xxx" with the actual Team Showcase ID from your plugin settings.
  • If using the PHP code, ensure that your theme supports shortcodes in PHP files.

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