The All Settings section in Team Showcase Pro allows you to customize various aspects of the team showcase, including text alignment, images, typography, colors, and more. Below is a breakdown of all the settings available.

1. Name Font Settings
- 1.1 Name Font Size
- Set a font size for the name.
- 1.2 Name Text Transform
- Default: No transformation.
- Uppercase: Convert all letters to uppercase.
- Lowercase: Convert all letters to lowercase.
- Capitalize: Capitalize the first letter of each word.
- 1.3 Name Text Style
- Default: Standard text.
- Italic: Display name in italic.
- 1.4 Name Font Weight
- Set name font-weight.
- 1.5 Name Font Color
- Set the name font color for the member’s name.
- 1.6 Name Hover Font Color
- Set the name hover font color for the member’s name.
2. Member Image Options
- 2.1 Show/Hide Member Image
- Show or hide the team member’s profile image.
- 2.2 Image Dimensions
- Choose the appropriate image size for display.
- Thumbnail – hard:150×150.
- Medium – Soft (300×300).
- Medium_large – soft:768×0.
- Large – soft:1024×1024
- Original uploaded image
- Set custom size
- Custom Width
- Custom Height
- Choose the appropriate image size for display.
- 2.3 Zoom Effect
- Select an image zoom effect on hover.
- Default
- Zoom In
- Select an image zoom effect on hover.
- 2.4 Image Mode
- Set a mode for displaying the image.
- Normal
- Grayscale
- Grayscale on Hover
- Set a mode for displaying the image.
3. Designation Options
- 3.1 Show/Hide Designation
- Enable or disable the member’s designation (e.g., CEO, Manager).
- 3.2 Designation Font Size
- Set a custom font size for the designation.
- 3.3 Name Text Transform
- Default: No transformation.
- Uppercase: Convert all letters to uppercase.
- Lowercase: Convert all letters to lowercase.
- Capitalize: Capitalize the first letter of each word.
- 3.4 Name Text Style
- Default: Standard text.
- Italic: Display name in italic.
- 3.5 Designation Font Color
- Pick a color for the designation text.
- 3.6 Designation Text Transform & Style
- Apply text transformations and styles (bold, italic, underline).
4. Email Options
- 4.1 Show/Hide Email
- Enable or disable the member’s email.
- 4.2 Email Font Size
- Set a custom font size for the email.
- 4.3 Email Font Color
- Set color for the email text.
- 4.4 Email Hover Color
- Set email hover font color.
5. Number Options
- 5.1 Show/Hide Number
- Enable or disable the member’s contact Number.
- 5.2 Number Font Size
- Set a custom font size for the contact number.
- 5.3 Number Font Color
- Set contact number text color.
- 5.4 Number Hover Color
- Set contact number hover font color.
6. Address Options
- 6.1 Show/Hide Address
- Enable or disable the member’s Address.
- 6.2 Address Font Size
- Set a custom font size for the address.
- 6.3 Address Font Color
- Set the text color for the address.
7. Website Options
- 7.1 Show/Hide Website
- Enable or disable the member’s website.
- 7.2 Website Font Size
- Set a custom font size for the website.
- 7.3 Website Link Color
- Set website link text color.
- 7.4 Website Link Hover Color
- Set website link hover font color.
8. Biography Options
- 8.1 Show/Hide short description.
- Show/Hide the short description.
- 8.2 Character Limit
- Set the short description character limit.
- 8.3 Biography Font Size
- Set the short description font size.
- 8.4 Biography Font Color:
- Set short description font color.
- 8.5 All Text Alignment
- Set all team content positions.
9. Team Multi-Color
Enable or disable the multi-color option for team members.
- Yes: Apply different colors to team members.
- No: Keep a uniform color scheme.
10. Team Background Color
- Set all team item background colors.
11. Show/Hide Icon
Show or hide the information icon for team members.
- Show: Display the info icon.
- Hide: Remove the info icon.
Final Notes
- The All Settings allow you to fine-tune the look and feel of your team showcase.
- Experiment with different fonts, colors, and styles to create a visually appealing team showcase.
- These settings ensure your team shortcode matches the overall theme and branding of your website.
🚀 Customize your team showcase easily and make them stand out!